Links to other Iain Banks sites on the web (in no particular order)

(If you know of any links you think should be in, mail me

The Culture Fanzine

A site for the UK-based Iain Banks Fanzine (overseas subscriptions OK).


Culture Shock

One of the larger sources for Iain Banks information, loads of stuff.



Site run by the webmaster of the Culture Fanzine.


The Culture mailing list site

A (usually) rather tangentially Iain Banks mailing list - nice people tho' :-)


Interesting Times Gang

Was a #dalnet IRC channel, don't know whether it's still going or not. Ship names list I think too.



 New-ish (I think) nice-looking Banks/personal site - look at the 'Terragen' 3d art links


Links to other non-banks stuff:


3d Ark

3d Art stuff, I get a lot of traffic from there - Ta ;-)


In Depth Arts

Nice man sent me an e-mail asking for reciprocal link and who am I to refuse? More digital art.


Computer Arts

Expensive but nice digital art magazine's website - has good cover disc programs